She gifts vices.
She consumes hope.
She spits decay.
She smiles gloom.
She sees you cringe.
She hears your screams.
She feels you shiver.
She smells your sweat.
She tastes your blood.
P.S. On a lighter note, this could be called "An Ode to the Female Anopheles Mosquito". I hope that sounds less 'gothic'/'bitchy'/ any other adjective that this post is susceptible to invite.
what's up munky? going through some goth phase or what?
Did the Bergman movie inspire this?
"She's quite a bitch." would have summed it up.
I think its much simpler than her other poems.
@carapace: lol, I can't get the picture of a gothic Munky out of my head.
I wonder what inspired the feminisation of the devil.
Personally, I always saw the devil as a woman. :P
I love it. Now let's get that electric bat and fry all the goddamn mosquitoes.
Gothic munky with her hair open!!!
hahahahhaa!!! sooooo scary!!!
The Devil is a Woman?
All Women are Devils?
Is there only One Devil?
My comment applies even if you're talking about the female anopheles mosquito.
hahahaa goth munki
All hail The Devil! ..and a certain person who observes her every moves as well. :P
I like the fact that the devil's a she... kinda makes it more evil.
Goth phase? Maybe.
It inspired me to post it. I had written this long back.
You think I am jobless enough to bitch about mosquitoes? Okay.
Stop copying my lines. You unimaginative Martian!
Good analysis. Especially the feminisation. I was wondering if anyone would bring it up.
The vamp always seems more sinister than the villian. I guess it is because it is a break away from the stereotype that is attached to women.
Stop calling me Samara. After that we'll murder those mosquitoes.
Right. Don't blame if you can not sleep alone.
Aren't mosquitoes devils?
Right. Watch out for me.
Hail the mosquitoes?
You know too many evil women I suppose.
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