The stone was cold. The sky was black and the mood-weird...
My level of endurance to fight sleep was reaching its threshold level. However, it was impossible to fall asleep in a place where people were cracking the worst jokes in the Universe(believe me! I certify them!), where the ground was hard and which was also the residence to a zillion mosquitoes.
It was then that I saw them. A bunch of them hovering in the cold and harsh autumn air-FIREFLIES! Contrary to the weather, they filled me with hope and joy. They did, however, seem a little weird. Since I was at my sleepy best, my power of observation was highly questionable. So, I really did not persist on trying to find out the peculiarity of this observation.
I was extremely fascinated by them; awed by their refulgence, their ability to produce their own light. To me, it felt like independence.
I was forced to draw an analogy with happiness. Happiness is right there...within you. You just need to realise it. And spread it like the firefly's light...
"If only I could be like one of them!", I exclaimed. Suddenly I heard someone ask me,"Why on earth do you want to be like an
aeroplane??"I say
it's all a matter of perspective...